Leader In The Spotlight: Tetsuya Nakanishi, Managing Director Medicaroid Europe


Liz Moyles

I know many people are super interested in Medicaroid and hinotoriTM.  Just before Christmas, I was fortunate enough to meet someone I have long admired – Tetsuya Nakanishi, MD Medicaroid Europe.  I have to say, Tetsuya is even lovelier in person than I anticipated.  He is modest, funny, incredibly determined and has a way of holding a room and an audience in the most unassuming but powerful way.   

Thank you Tetsuya. Thank you for your time! 

  • First of all Tetsuya- where does the name Medicaroid come from? I’d love to know if it stands for, anything in particular?

Our name Medicaroid is a fusion of the words “medical” and “android” and represents our medical robots. At Medicaroid Europe we want to shape the future by combining our understanding of robotics with human-design, client ideas and cutting-edge technological standards where the patient continues to be at the center of all we do. Medicaroid is born out of a strong robotics heritage through Kawasaki Heavy Industries and the medical diagnostic expertise of Sysmex Corporation. This joint venture allows us to continue a pioneering path to develop robots which assist humans in the healthcare landscape. Medicaroid’s goal is to provide a wide range of robotics not only in the surgical field but for a wide range of healthcare functions, developing innovations that will change people’s lives.

  • Thanks for sharing that!!! Tetsuya, I love to ask this question because it tells me so much about the person, and a lot of people really like to know about how others in this industry ended up where they are today.  So, how did you end up in your role and in this industry?  Where did your passion for medical devices/medical technology come from? 

For me, the roots of my journey into the world of medical devices go back to my father, a dedicated Gastroenterologist. His profession, he often emphasized, was not only a job. It was a deeply rewarding vocation laden with great responsibility. I recall the balancing act he conveyed - the joy of healing and the weight of knowing that patients' lives hinged on his expertise. The intensity of his role was tangible, as it involved making critical decisions that could mean the difference between life and death. There were instances when he received calls from the hospital in the middle of night due to sudden changes in a patient's condition, necessitating his immediate return to the hospital. I grew up watching his attitude with self-sacrificing without the faintest hint of complaint. 

It was in this crucible of medical dedication that my passion for medical devices and technology found its genesis. As I grew older, it was only a matter of time before I found myself drawn to the field of medical devices. The idea of developing technologies that could assist healthcare professionals and enhance patient outcomes resonated deeply with my sense of purpose.

A special moment in my journey is marked by the presence of our medical device, affectionately named 'hinotoriTM'. Standing in front of it, I am acutely aware of the profound potential it holds – it is not just as a piece of equipment, but it is a conduit for healing and well-being. In the moment I stand with ‘hinotoriTM’ , I connect with the patients who will undergo treatment, the healthcare professionals who will wield the technology in surgery, and the global team working tirelessly behind the scenes to make it all possible.

  • What an amazing story. I actually felt goosepimples listening to you. It’s clear what an impact this had on you. It’s obvious you are very happy now, but what about your first role ? When you stepped out of academia, what was your first role ? Was it everything you had hoped it would be? 

When I joined the research group which were the predecessors of Medicaroid in 2012, I was assigned to a division aimed at generating new business and contributing to medical innovation via a robotics technology. This role was exactly what I had envisioned and aligned perfectly with my passion. |I was so blkessed and fortunate to have such an opportunity, It was the center of my professional aspirations, driven by the philosophy I inherited from my father's attitude. 

My journey began in the Robotic division of Kawasaki Heavy Industries in 2002. I didn’t even know they had a Robotics Division  when I joined it.  Over the years, I accumulated expertise and knowledge in robotics, laying the foundation for my subsequent role in Medicaroid. The accumulated expertise and knowledge from my earlier years in the Robotic division at Kawasaki Heavy Industries proved invaluable in the pursuit of generating new business for medical robotics at Medicaroid. In retrospect, my first role at Medicaroid exceeded my expectations. It not only allowed me to contribute to medical innovation but also provided a fulfilling outlet for my passion and the skills I had developed throughout my career.

  • I genuinely believe and agree with you. I think we often look back at situations/  roles and it is only afterwards that we realise how pivotal that situation was in our career. One different turn, and our life can be very different to the anticpoated trajectory. What is it that keeps you so passionate about this space we work in and Medicaroid? 

At the core of my passion lies a strong belief that our medical device plays a vital role in saving patients' lives. While the hinotoriTM RAS system itself may not directly perform life-saving actions, I am confident that its capabilities and functionalities significantly contribute to successful medical interventions.

It's crucial to recognize that our hinotoriTM is a tool within the larger context of healthcare. It doesn't independently save lives, but rather serves as an essential instrument in the hands of skilled healthcare professionals. This understanding is key to appreciating the indirect yet impactful role our device plays in the overall healthcare ecosystem.

We are channeling our efforts towards enhancing surgeons performance. By optimizing and fine-tuning our medical device, we aim to empower surgeons with advanced tools that augment their capabilities in critical medical procedures. This focus on improving the efficacy of healthcare professionals is a strategic approach to indirectly contribute to positive patient outcomes. 

Every effort invested in this space feels worthwhile because I see the potential for our device to make a tangible impact. The prospect of contributing to the enhancement of surgical practices and by extension the overall quality of healthcare is a powerful motivator. The belief that what we are doing is genuinely worthwhile serves as a constant source of passion and dedication. 

  • What have been the biggest learnings you have made in your career? 

In the course of my career, I have encountered numerous invaluable lessons, each contributing to my professional growth and shaping my understanding of effective leadership. While the list of learnings is extensive, the most significant ones are as follows:

When I was in a management position, especially in senior positions where decisions carry considerable weight, I learnt how important it is to have unshakeable self-confidence. It is crucial to establish and adhere to a core philosophy that serves as a steadfast anchor. This not only provides a sense of direction but also ensures that, amidst the dynamic challenges, my decision-making remains rooted in a consistent set of principles. The ability to withstand external pressures and stay true to my beliefs has been instrumental in maintaining a resilient leadership stance.

One of the key realizations in my career has been the significance of instigation, the skill of igniting motivation and enthusiasm within a team. Coupled with this is the need for adept diplomacy, a nuanced approach to managing interpersonal relationships. Creating a collective 'movement' requires not only inspiring others but also navigating the delicate balance of diverse perspectives and personalities. This has taught me the art of fostering a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and invested in the shared goals.

Tetsuya- if you could bottle that, you would be immensely popular and wealthy. What you describe is a true skill, a gift, a talent.  It takes humility to recognize learnings and actually take them on board. 

  • What legacy would you like your company/technology to leave on the landscape?

The RAS (Robotic-Assisted Surgery) space stands out due to its limitless possibilities that extend beyond conventional imagination. Unlike the more conservative approach in the normal MedTech device sector, RAS encompasses not only present and near-future innovations but also envisions possibilities in the distant future. Many experts predict that RAS will become the core of the operating room, driving a shift towards digital and artificial intelligence, transcending the physical presence of the robot itself. I belief that robotics will always be at the center of RAS sets it apart from other developments in the medical device space.The world of robotics, particularly in the context of RAS, exceeds conventional imagination. This extraordinary potential sets it apart from other areas within the medical technology and device landscape.

The legacy I envision is a proof to the enduring power of entrepreneurial thinking in the face of evolving business landscapes. Throughout my career, I have made significant efforts to build and promote RAS business initiatives. This encompassed not only technological advancements but also the development of products, certification pathways, business strategies, infrastructures, and extensive professional networks. While initiating a business, the startup mentality is often the catalyst for innovation and rapid growth.

  • Has anyone one played a particularly key role in your career/work life- perhaps a mentor?  What and how did/do they influence you? 

Throughout my career, Yasuhiko Joseph Hashimoto, the current CEO of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, has played a crucial role as a mentor, significantly influencing my professional journey. Under his guidance, I gained valuable insights into the mindset required for an executive position, particularly in operating a company and spearheading the development of new business ventures. One of the key lessons I absorbed from Mr. Hashimoto was the importance of a strong sense of responsibility and the ability to take agile action. These principles became the foundation of my approach to leadership. The words "Sense of responsibility and agile action" provided by Mr. Hashimoto have become ingrained in my business philosophy. These principles continue to guide my actions and decisions, reminding me of the commitment required in leadership roles. I have seamlessly integrated these lessons with my authentic values, particularly those rooted in medical contribution, a passion nurtured since my childhood.

  • What advice would you give to someone who's looking to enter this space? Whether that's a fresh grad straight out of university, but then also someone looking to transition their career?

In the rapidly advancing landscape of MedTech, the future holds immense potential for innovative businesses embracing high technology. As the global population ages, the demand for advanced and superior treatment methods has never been more urgent. In response to this pivotal need, Medicaroid Corporation emerged with a singular mission: to foster a society where patients, their families, and medical professionals can coexist harmoniously, all thanks to our revolutionary medical robots.

Embedded with a startup mentality, our company encourages you to imprint your unique footprint as we stride boldly into the future. The exponential growth we are experiencing opens the door to countless opportunities. Join us on this exhilarating journey, and together, let's shape the landscape of MedTech innovation.

Thank you Tetsuya. I am humbled and equally feel privileged that you have been so open and honest in sharing your story with me/us.  I hope your children will read this and be equally inspired by ‘daddy’ and his robot!

I am not alone in excitedly anticipating the arrival of Medicaroid in Europe in a commercial capacity.  I have to own up to having spoken about you and hinotoriTM, whilst on holiday!!!!  I was telling people how much I love working in this space and about the amazing technology I get to learn about. 

Medicaroid is a very special company, and you are a really inspirational person.  A man of many talents, including tennis … but that’s another story!

Thank you and here’s to lots of success for you and Medicaroid in 2024 and beyond! 

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